Before we knew there were races in this Nation, it was a matter of economic identity which kept indentured Europeans and African slaves in the same category. It was the fear of rebellion that motivated the legislation of an artificial distinction between members of a homogeneous group. It was one of the most brilliantly heinous tactics employed by the landowner class to divide and conquer, as the bonds of sameness between imports from the two continents grew, due to that economic sameness.
This was perceived as a great danger by those who relied on the system of indenture and slavery for their agricultural profit. Think of the relief, the savings in time, money, and especially the sense of security if that potentially rebellious class could be brought into a condition of severely policing itself. The scenario in the video is a perfect example of the exquisite extent of the success of that single move: that was the granting of legal superiority of whites over now legally inferior blacks. The identical economic situation of an entire class or humans had been divided by a totally artificial device into an autoimmune control system. And thus a heretofore new racism was birthed. The landowners had achieved their cause of self-protection in a kind and degree that perhaps even they had not realized the deadly extent of. And thereby we all lost, even to this day.
This loss is tragically pointed to by the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King by, as current evidence points to, the CIA. And they, as minions of one of the richest families on Earth, rated fifth worldwide, the Bush family, did the deed in their highly polished covert manner. This is not conspiracy theory.* This is what the evidence reveals. What was Dr. King's crime? He realized what the root cause of the need for his work in racial equality was: the poor people, the laborers in the fields and their support system of trades had been maliciously and deliberately set rabidly against itself in order to provide safety for the landowner class.
On the basis of this realization he shifted gears to campaign for the reunification and re-empowerment of the class upon which the landowners, industrialists, and most and by far importantly, the bankers depend on for their ease, comfort, exceptionalism, and privilege. Because of his already proved record at unifying and reinstating the dignity of part of the lower class, this set off every alarm klaxon and flashing red light in the back rooms of Wall Street and the .1%. This was (and still is) the greatest threat to the monied establishment which has ever come about in this Nation, and perhaps the world. It was an unforgivable crime of astonishing scope and consequence and had to be punished, severely, as soon as possible.
The unification of what are speciously called "races", that being a primarily economic invention legislated from many directions into the privilege/squalor dynamic for the purpose of the safety of a small class of people, is the greatest danger to the current financial control system ever conceived through the agency of clear vision. It attacks the policing power of a great portion of an economic class over its other half. And that policing power is so subtle and insidious that most who have it don't know they have it, never mind notice that they are exercising it. The clerk in the video was oblivious to the fact that she was doing what she was doing to one of her own, one who worked most likely harder than she did due exactly to the policing privilege the clerk unconsciously enjoyed.
This is why it is up to, primarily, the so called white folks to realize that all this time they have been duped into suppressing, demeaning, and even brutalizing our own allies. And this is happening because, if you are white, just like you inherited your religion, your politics, and how we hold a fork or drive a car, we inherited our emotionally charged and unconscious, very unconscious, privilege. And with that goes our very unconscious exercising of our police powers against our own allies who we were legislated into suppressing just as much as others were legislated into policing Jews or any other minority used to take your attention off what is behind the curtain you are not to look behind.
*After four weeks of testimony and over 70 witnesses in a civil trial in Memphis, Tennessee, twelve jurors reached a swift unanimous verdict on December 8, 1999 that Dr. King was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy, the NY Times reported at the time. The King family, who filed the civil suit, was awarded $100. They donated the minuscule amount to charity.