"It reminded me of a rose I found while walking in a village in Ontario, Canada. I stopped to admire it and was nearly overcome with the transporting wonder of the scent. The owner of the rosebush caught me in my euphoria, and after a brief conversation invited me in for tea. She and her friend shared the house and had made it into a beautiful home. I learned of their amazing histories, together and before, and of life in that village. The tea was delicious. The company of the two elderly and experienced ladies was wonderful. As I left, she picked up a pair of shears on the porch rail and snipped off that rose, the only one in their garden, and gave it to me. I was so moved.
"The Lily, the Lotus, and the Rose have always meant a higher awareness for me. In these times when so many are so overwhelmingly besieged by woes that their considerations have been forced to stay in the realm of survival, this Rose comforts me and points to the best in us, that which is detectable as our Presence. The name of this variety of Rose is "Fragrant Cloud". In the presence of its perfume division is forgotten in the enjoyment of the transporting gift of its essence. Thank you for reminding me of that experience!"