The difference is the potential for psychotropism. One of the greatest fears of many in power is that the people will actually think, or have a different perspective than the Party line. Or be, god forbid, awake. That's why there's a constant effort to make the public ignorant in a land where money is god. And money is god because that "substance" is a powerful drug in itself! And it yields the ability to use force. And force is necessary for those who are so empty and impoverished as selves, who are so disconnected from others, that they need to control what others think, say, and do in order to feel "safe". That is why I have said so often that a suppressive and repressive government is run by those who are in a state of fear and disconnection. They build walls and can't see the ways of relationship as a solution. Nor have they the tools or ability to make useful connections which are lasting and trustworthy. So they depend on creating chaos in order to control.
Look at the childhood and upbringing of any dictator. Look, indeed at the infancy and youth of our own. You will always find a damaged individual who never had the neural network of connectivity installed through the experience of being loved. And sadly, that's a condition rampant in our society, ours being one which is very much based on competition, forced leverage, and the disconnection from each other, education, and from different ways of seeing.
So it's really no surprise that those who have relied on ignorance to gain power will do anything to retain money as the sole drug and source of force and leverage over the population. And that can only lead to worse. It can only bring about conditions which even their staunchest public supporters will regret. They will discover that TV never portrays how conflicts actually go down and what astounding suffering they cause. We are poor students of history and reality. And our chief insulation and insulator is ideology. No idea in the abstract which is divorced from measurable reality will stand against the forces of Nature.
This is why attention to The Great Commandment, The Golden Rule, and to the idea of "Women and Children First" is so vital. Those are the ways of inclusion, of connection, of Reality. They are what in fact we are hard-wired for, as we are in fact communal beings. Conflict is our last and worst solution. Yet there are those who rely on it simply because they have no other circuits in their psyche to employ as methodology due to their impoverished past. And that's why they are impoverished now, however unimaginably gigantic their bankrolls might be.
And these are the ones we allow to govern us? While they are high on THEIR drug of choice? Is that wisdom on our part, who will take the brunt of any suffering, as we now take the brunt of taxation and declining relative incomes, while theirs soar on the backs of our labor? What kind of democracy or republic is that? I can get along with my politically opposite neighbors because we act like the block community we are. There's no sane reason we can't do that as a nation while we look for stable ground on which to base our policies. But I think I have proposed three that actually work. They work here. They are universal. They should work wherever we are. If that's what we want.
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