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The root of American racism?

Before we knew there were races in this Nation, it was a matter of economic identity which kept indentured Europeans and African slaves in...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The problem may largely lie in the fact that we think our beliefs are reality. The fact that we believe is the most dangerous aspect of being human, to ourselves and others. I have often said that believing itself is the enemy. It is Resistance; it is refusal of the actual world, of Self, of inquiry into the only useful area of what might produce significant change. Belief may have a provisional use in allowing one to arrive alive in your teens or perhaps beyond. But maturity only comes when the nature of the mind itself, as a thinker/believer, is penetrated and overcome. 

What overcomes it? Knowing yourself as Awareness. Nothing else can overcome it. Anything else is only a manipulation of defenses, called thoughts, their trains, and "reasoning" with them. These constitute actual ignorance. These defenses are the picture of the world as we want it to be, because we never had cause to question the picture, to go through the looking glass, to understand what the mirror is. When we have cause to question, we begin to take a step toward maturity. Until then, we are merely indoctrinated children, obeying the puppet strings of our upbringing, or our reaction to it.

1 comment:

Snowbrush said...

I don't really know what to do with this. It seems to me that you posit "awareness" as leading to a certain and predictable viewpoint as if it were a black versus issue in which you're either unaware and think one way, or you're aware, and think another.