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Monday, July 6, 2020

Damn That Welfare Fraud!

 Did you know that no matter what we do, those people who are committing welfare fraud are going to be there pretty much no matter what we do? Should we try to educate or inspire them? Yes, of course. Or if there are useful sanctions that would stimulate them to not be leeches, then we could do that, too, provided we don't harm others in the process. Would it take taxes to support such programs? I'm guessing "yes". Did you know that just over 10% of social safety net payments are either improper or to fraudulent recipients? Did you know that as well there are fraudulent payments to schools and police departments? A friend of mine exposed such a scheme at a high school he taught at in a CA city and he and his family were targeted for physical harm, including assault and attempted murder. He and his wife discovered that up to 22 police "substations" were merely retired officers getting checks as if they were actual brick and mortar LE locations.

And what about the astounding tax breaks that corporations and some individuals get, or all that untaxed money overseas? Or the advantageous tax rates on investments as distinct from labor? How's that for not getting up off your ass and earning a living when you make your money on paper? So do you have a legit gripe? Yes, of course you do, as do we all.

But somehow, it seems to always come down on a class of people because of inflated perceptions of how much they are a part of the problem. You know, I'm sure, unless you are rather young, of the Reagan era witch-hunt, in part legitimate, fro "welfare queens". Well, what if the *real* welfare queens are those who avoid enough taxes or make enough money through leveraged pricing structures* to pay for several entire social safety nets? Why are we not going after them? Could it be, do you think, because they have the money by those and other means to have a voice and legal protection? Or better, could it be that they have money to pay for influence to have more laws passed in their favor?

So you see, Josh, I do agree with you. But I also see that the usual focus of such outrage as you seem to have is way too narrowly focused on a comparatively insignificant subset of those defrauding our government, i.e., ultimately, you and me. In the meantime, we can also remember that indications are that money given in SNAP programs generates $3 for every $1 "handed out". Also, it's been demonstrated that such programs indeed help some not only survive, but to actually get out of poverty. Now, isn't that an advantage? So while some of that money is obtained fraudulently, in the wash, it's a net financial advantage.

So if some bunch of damaged goods loafers are where you want to put your attention and energy, I guess that's a small help. But the big fish of fraud are ultimately elsewhere, and they have schools of barracuda lawyers to protect them while they sharpen their teeth to the point that you perhaps don't feel that they are the ones actually biting you. And they can make you look at their chum while sneaking up behind you.

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