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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Announcement: How the Male Mind Works

Elaine Boozler is talking to a large audience, primarily women. The topic (surprisingly) is men and their "unfathomable" behavior. However, Elaine thinks she has a clue, and explains it something like this:

Well, it's obvious we're different. But you see, ladies, you have to understand how the male mind is constructed. I mean, think about it. All people have two halves to their brain, and they're connected with this bridge. But now, we know how we women are: there's always something going on. There's all kinds of communication going on between our two hemispheres. We're thinking about all kinds of things at once, in all kinds of ways. Everything we think about has a history, a future, it's implications, feelings and agendas. We might as well have, ladies, a ten lane superhighway at rush hour that's going on between our two brain parts. Am I right? But the guys, what have the guys got? They've got this little tiny dirt path! Ya gotta feel for them, now don't you? (Roaring laughter and applause)

Of course, on reading the above, a friend of mine said "Well yes, but us guys can tell which truck on that freeway is important, and expedite it!" There's something to that, eh?

That's the goods, as I remember them. If you ever find something by Rita Rudner, you might like her, as well. I saw her live and she was absolutely wonderful!

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