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Friday, April 27, 2007

A "Take" on Good and Evil

Someone asked me about good and evil and this is what came to me:

As for the problem of good and evil, it has according to my best lights, nothing to do with God, as the God I know is not a personal God. I find the idea of a personal God an impossibility and too small to fit the facts as I see them. The sort of personal God I percieve as being commonly worshiped by most religionists can at best be a well developed entity far enough beyond ordinary men as to appear to be God like, in the way a competent technician might be to someone of a mentality that could belong to a so called "cargo cult." God, in my estimation, is so far beyond any anthropomorphization that our ideas offered about a diety by religions is insulting to and demeaning of Diety, and astonishingly misleading as to what might be called "salvation."

Good vs. evil, as I see that dynamic, is the evaluation of events natural or artificial by standards pertinent to personal wishes of happiness or well being. Ignorance, particularly ignorance of the laws and forces of Nature, or Self, have not yet been recognized publicly as similar in nature to such things as hurricans, tsunamis, and avalanches. These things are not "evil," they are conditions of of our nature. As I see it the vast majority of humans are uncivilized, ignorant, and immature, despite good intentions and aberrant ideas of self esteem. I agree with Mahatma Gandhi's reply when he was asked what he thought of Western civilization. He said "I think it would be a very good idea." This applies equally to the ones who have the toys which control the ways of the world, namely banks, corporations, governments, and religions, likely in that order. These are for the most part found to be sociopathic institutions if they are subjected to ordianry personality tests. These institutions, and people who do harm, do it because they are looking out for their best perceived self interest. This is normal and everyone does it. The difference might be in what those percieved best self interests are. Being on the whole a phenomenally uncivilized and experi-mental race, few of us are on the same page, even nearly, with those who have an inclusive overview of what our potential as interactive beings might be. In other words, "evil" is Nature's way of saying "Hey! You (plural) are not congruent with your own best self interest! Wake up!"

Of course, one of the most impossible things to do is to tell someone who is asleep to wake up. It takes forcefull action. Imediate action, in fact, if the house is on fire, for instance, such as our planet is at this moment. Thing is, too many are too involved with what's in front of their own nose to notice, i.e. physically feel, that things are horribly awry. "Evil" is a teleological component of life and seems to result from the ignorance and immaturity of individuals who have not percieved their own right identity as co-creators with a rather astonishingly beyond-our-intellectual-understanding WONDER of a Universe. Conscious and aware of our underlying unity we can build a paradise. Ignorant of it, we will continue to blunder against each other's ignorance and create the result of that. Primarily, ignorance is not necessarily of facts and knowledge, it is of the nature of Self. One who knows experientially what they are before they the sense of being a person cannot harm others without knowing that they harm themselves. In either case, experience of good and evil is for the benefit of our education. But no one said we had to survive it as person.

The power that is Love is like electricity. Directed, it can do immense good. Undisciplined, uneducated and undirected it wreaks havoc. In any case it is the same force. And regarding the idea that "good" and "evil are a matter of vibrations high or low, vibrations of every kind and degree always already exist. The point is: am I aware of them and what they mean at various levels of consequence. (the consequences reveal the rules.) If I'm not, I am certain to step on toes, and that will be called evil. If I learn and change, that might be called good. The labels of good and evil belong to a limited two valued logic system which is incapable of including the actuality of the infinite value system of Universe. Good and evil judgements are blinding us from perceiving and acting on dynamics that would free us of the need to make such poor and inadequate evaluations.

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