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Friday, April 27, 2007

To Val, re Winter and Cedar Canoes

Boy, I sure miss all that chipping, scraping and shovelling of snow and ice....NOT! Funny you mention about the canoe. Last night I dreamt about that scene you described about being out on the water at night.... I love canoeing, and used to go out in a friend's cedar canoe. It felt like it was alive, and it fit into the water so well, and knew it had it's right place in the wild. It felt more like it was drawn to where I was going, than me having to paddle it there. The paddling was like something to keep me busy while the canoe hunted out secret places like a ranging dog. It also knew when and how to be still, so in its shadow I could look down and see pike and bass waiting.... I often came back with wild rice in the belly of the boat, and scraped it up for the cook. That boat was a lake skimmer of the highest order as it shinned and glistened its way, quiet and fast in the silk/velvet water, propelled into its ways by warmth, sunshine, and air that was like a smooth, cool elixir of peace.

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